Small wonder!
I love their dark and chocolaty velvet skins, their deep and ever so sexy voices, their big and strong muscular bodies, their boeps and their 'packs', their smelly sneakers and their love for ganga....aaah! I think my uncle did a lot of these newage metrosexual guys a dis-service by just being plain gangsta and hood.
I find myself despising these 'bitch nigga's' as I call them. You know those kids that are influenced by Lil' Wayne and walk around with super-tight skinny jeans that they have to open their legs wide in order to keep on? Those wanna bee's that always need to wear shades, have random chains dangling around their mid-sections and they always speak like they have a hot potatoe halfway down their throat? Ya, anyway, the thought of them in a group just makes me shudder!
Why is it that as a ghettofabulous sister, we are always caught between the ghettolicious brother with the sultry voice, the gangsta swag with the right kind of loving; and the uber successful, metrosexual, stuck up 'bitch nigga's' with phoney conversations? Like, WTF is this guy on???You always find that the man with less money always knows how to treat you better, how to love you deeper, how to hear you clearer and how to respect you as a woman. These 'model C' boys that retain the full english diction beyond grade 12 exams tend to also retain the stuck up attitude that traditional toekoe wearing, REAL sisters, are nothing more than bo 'Ousie' who must get told what to do.
Its really sad that that is what 'success' is in ghetto terms. Where does the love for ones self go? I mean is that why all of these 'bitch nigga's' start dating coloured, indian and white girls when they think they have arrived? No wonder we dont like you!
To all the brothers that find us attractive with our hair natural, our unmade-up faces and our hearty conversation, you were raised by real women and that is why it is so easy for you to see them! Thanks to your mothers who have made you into 'marriage material', you are men to be flaunted and kept.
The young boys who are still 'Soldier Boying' away...get some new pants, lose the earrings and all the extra bejewelments (no amount of money will rectify kak dentition, ask P Diddy!)and please, please cut off that hear!!!